The Pre-Montessori Program

(ages 24 months to 36 months)

Our Pre-Montessori program is designed to offer children from 24- 36 months a strong foundation for lifelong learning. In this program, children are encouraged to explore their environment and develop their own interests and skills. This helps children develop an intrinsic self-motivation that will serve them throughout their lives.

Our program fosters a positive and nurturing environment that is supportive of the social, emotional, and cognitive development of each and every child. This helps children feel secure and confident as they explore and learn.

Our Pre-Montessori program emphasizes the following areas:


Autonomy and independence

We use our specially designed classroom as a prepared learning environment to allow young children to explore and learn at their own pace, with a variety of age-appropriate materials and activities that encourage self-directed learning and exploration.

Sense of start and finish

Our teachers use the concept of start and finish as an important aspect of the learning process. It helps our children to understand the concept of completing a task or activity, and fosters a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Grace and courtesy

Young children are social beings, and we help them develop the social skills and manners they need in order to interact with others in a respectful and considerate way. This helps them to feel a sense of community, and supports their ability to collaborate with their peers and adults in a positive way.

Practical Life

In our Pre-Montessori program, we offer practical life activities designed to support your child’s development of everyday life skills. These activities involve tasks and activities that are necessary for children to care for themselves and their environment, such as pouring, scooping, cutting, and other fine motor skills. These activities are fun and engaging for little ones, and help them to develop important skills like hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.


Our sensorial activities are designed to engage your child’s senses and help them understand and explore their environment. These activities involve the use of materials that engage the senses, such as puzzles, sorting activities, and texture cards.

Verbal and Language Skills

In our program, children are exposed to a rich language environment and are encouraged to communicate through speaking and listening. We use engaging activities, like storytelling, singing songs, and talking about interesting ideas and topics to encourage children to develop their own ability to communicate.

Math Skills

Our Pre-Montessori program offers your child a variety of materials that support the development of math skills, such as number rods, spindle boxes, and bead chains. These materials help children develop an understanding of quantities, patterns, and relationships.

Balance and movement

Balance and movement are important aspects of our program. They support your child's physical development and coordination, and also promote their overall learning and well-being. Movement activities can help little ones to develop their ability to concentrate and focus.

Social behavior (individually and in a group)

Social behavior is an important aspect of our toddler learning environment. Our teachers support the development of social behavior by creating a positive and nurturing environment that is supportive of the social, emotional, and cognitive development of each young student. This includes providing individualized attention and support, as well as respecting the inherent dignity and worth of every young learner. Teachers model and encourage graceful social behavior through their interactions with the children and the use of the learning materials. Activities like taking turns, sharing and role-play help students learn how to express themselves in healthy ways.

Extended Day/Child Care

Extended childcare programs are available for children year round. The program is offered from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. and from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. This program offers the children a chance to socialize and engage in informal play. Many of our extracurricular and elective programs are offered during these hours